photo: Michael Black

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

goodvibes playlist

 I've been trying to change up my playlists more in my yoga classes because I think it adds new energy to classes. People are always asking about the songs I play, so I'm going to continue posting them here on my blog if ya'll want to take a looksie from time to time! I'll be posting the links to my facebook page, which is probably how you got here anyways. I hope that it helps in your own yoga practice at home or in the dorm, or maybe as you're doing your homework or just hanging out. I would love to hear any suggestions that you might have, my ears are always open for new tunes :-) I'm a big fan of spreading the wealth.
So enjoy! Have fun! Fly!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

dharma talk

I've been looking more into meditation and Buddhism in the Happy Valley lately, and I've found a bunch of great resources and new friends at Hampshire College! They have daily meditation sessions and I recently learned that there are even Tibetan monks living on their campus, learning about American culture. Supah cool. Anyways, my friend Derek hosts dharma talks every Friday night, where a bunch of people sit in a circle listening to a podcast by some Buddhist thinker--it usually is about an hour long. I really enjoyed the messages of the talk this past Friday, so I'm going to share it with you.

I know it can be difficult to find a whole hour out of your time to listen to something like this, but if it interests you, I highly suggest just sitting down, closing your eyes and digesting the words. Jack Kornfield, the speaker, walks the listener through highly accessible Buddhist teachings about healing in the body, the feelings, the mind, and the soul. Listen to the talk here.

I hope you have had a relaxing and peaceful weekend! A tune to keep your head boppin' and your mouth smilin' for the week ahead: